Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So what is it about?

If you are here you probably already know who I am. You are my target audience, not so much the internet random.

So here I am living in New York City with most of my family and friends living on the other side of the earth, or at the very least in another time zone.

Those here in the city understand that the lifestyle can be pretty hectic.

So the inevitable "Are you still alive?" emails arrive wanting to know where I am what I'm doing and why I haven't written.

A few hours writing emails to different people of the same stories, or worse, the less personal group emails... make you think there has to be a better way.

Brad suggested I start a blog of my travels and beers before I even arrived in New York.

Well finally it is happening, inspired by Jill's blog and a post that petty much has me obliged.

Having spent a bit of time with Jill I know her blog posts are well considered and she doesn't blog about every significant event that goes in her life. I can understand the reasons: to not clog up the intertubes with noise... you know small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds discuss ideas... that sort of thing, and also I think she considers her audience and self censors a little.

Well I have decided to take the opposite approach. I will be blogging about the simple things in life. The beers I sample, the food, the things I buy, the details of my existence here, the differences from my home country, the progress on my knee's recovery. Occasionally I may write something profound but don't expect it.

I know I should have stared this blog long ago. I have acclimatised quite a lot in the last 6 months and the US-Australian differences aren't as apparent anymore. Although I still do notice when I have to step over the puddle of piss from the homeless guy passed out in the street unlike most New Yorkers.

I also have to get myself a better camera. I think the answer is a decent phone with built in camera.

Which brings me to what is I guess is my first comment on Aus-US difference. Credit history matters much more here. I don't know how hard it is for an alien to get a phone in Aus, but here since I have no credit history in the US it is very difficult. I can't even get a credit card. Which means I have a crappy pre-paid phone.

Fall is arriving and I'm assured that there will be some awesome sights to see, so keeping some snaps for posterity would be good.

So what next? Well I still haven't sent out any photos or stories from the MMM (Morgan-Mikey-Matty) trip to Californina. Morgan and Mikey are in town this week which should mean I finally get a copy of all the photos. So I anticipate a big blog post about that soon. Stay tuned.

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