Monday, January 5, 2009

Holidays are overrated

At the prodding of a few, here is the first 2009 blog post.

Nothing hugley interesting going on just lots of little observations.

The snow didn't really last, so no white christmas for me. Although I did have the joy of walking to work one gusty morning when it was -11°C, probably the coldest I think I have ever seen.

Having said that it is amazing how quick I have acclimatised. It hits 6°C and it feels warm, I get the bike out and go for a ride.

I think there is a lot to be said for being a Queenslander and having a summer Christmas and New Years. I have found the holiday period pretty dull and a bit claustrophobic really. Too cold and crowded to do much that interests me.

On boxing day I made a pilgrimage down to the Aussie bar in SoHo to drink some Coopers and watch what seems like the only good day of cricket Australia have played all season.

Boxing day sales don't seem like what we see in Aus. I think all the madness here happens at the thanksgiving sales.

Christmas trees are sold on the street in the lead up to Christmas, and then quickly turfed back onto the street in piles. To be collected by who I don't know since there seem to be a lot around. Being nice and cool it seems that the trees last much better and don't drop as many needles as I seem to remember of a summer christmas. No surprises there, and I guess they are probably a different species to Aussie conifers and probably have been bred for that quality.

The salting of the roads and footpaths to prevent icing seems to get out of hand at times. I saw a car completely encrusted all over with salt crystals. Can't see them lasting too long. I could just see me not driving for 6 months of the year if I had the Monster Truck here.

With the recent boredom of a winter, I have been looking at it being a good time to move on. Not go home just yet, but find something more exciting and more my scene. That can wait for another post.

Meanwhile A&R's bundle of pee and poop continues to amuse and confuse. She is quite a resilient little creature and despite what it seems in the photos, Bales is usually not too happy to share the attention.

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