Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cold, thirty, still employed

A lot seems to have happened in my last rotation around the sun. A new milestone, Dirty 30 as Shelley calls it. In typical fashion a pretty low key celebration at some local beer bars.

I'm still wrapping my head around the weather here. A few weeks ago it was still getting to 18 degrees during the day. Tonight it is -6C outside with a fairly strong breeze.

I'm just not used to thinking about the cold. Not used to having to put on gloves just to go outside.

I've gotten into the habit of cycling home from Andrew & Robyn's a bit before midnight if I go over for dinner. Well without gloves there is more urgency and it turns into a lively 20 block sprint that ends in numb hands and burning lungs.

Yesterday morning I got up early and rode to central park and did a couple of laps. I was meant to meet up with Bales and A&R but missed them. I didn't check the temperature before I left but my eyes watered and nose ran a lot. Did not see another cyclist the whole way to the park, either on the bike path up the west side of Manhattan or on 69th street across to the park.

The reason it seems was that it was -2C outside that morning.

So this week I'm planning on investing in some goretex gloves and a down jacket.

Which it seems I am lucky to be able to do at the moment.

16 people were laid off from work this past Wednesday. Totalling about 40 in the last few months. Including a high school mate of mine, one of the 4 Aussies in the office.

The economic downturn is really scaring people at the board level. It sounds impossible to get investment let alone credit, so young growing companies are struggling.

This will be a tough time for NYC. I see on my way to work a few shops have closed already. I hear that Wall Street it becoming a has-been in the financial influence of the worlds market. The investment banks having to become commercial banks just to survive. Taking less risks, moving away from the swashbuckling culture. It will be interesting to see how that changes the city. 11% of the city works in finance bringing in 40% of the annual income.

The capital of capitalism having to deal with negative growth? Pay cuts, job losses. How with this affect the gentrification of the city? How will this affect the mood of the average grumpy New Yorker on the street?

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